10:17 29 января 2019

IUCA is ready to become the Center for the Development of Green Economy in Chuy region

International University of Central Asia (IUCA) alongside with two other Kyrgyz universities became a part of an incredible project. IUCA has already took part in the Erasmus + staff mobility program, but now it became a part of a brand new Erasmus project, the aim of which is to develop the green economy in three Asian countries. It is a new project and IUCA clearly has something to bring to the table, the project starts in February 2019, duration of which is 36 months.

The main focus of the project is to raise awareness and knowledge of the "green" economy among pupils of general education schools, preschool children, local government bodies, local entrepreneurs, city and local councilors, and the public. One of the main results of the project at the university level is the integration of the principles of the "green" economy in a formal and informal system of education.

The result of interaction between the IUCA and city authorities in the framework of this project will be assistance in creating "green" workplaces in the city of Tokmok; support in the development of "green" transport; support in the development of trade in "green" products and services; assistance in access to "green" finance for the development of small and medium-sized enterprises; development of tourism services, including ecotourism.

Through involvement of our partner preschools, schools in Tokmok and Chui region, local authorities and local population, IUCA can take responsibility for an information campaign on the fundamentals of the green economy, in terms of understanding, defining and realizing opportunities for development of the it and the development of "green" workplaces; development of economic modeling of sustainable development, taking into account indicators of the green economy and the development of policies based on data; developing recommendations for a systematic economic assessment of natural capital and ecosystems; developing recommendations for building an effective monitoring system in accordance with international and national development strategies; and developing a package of proposals for the development of Tokmok as a "smart" and "green" city, as well as the development of measures to develop the green economy of the city through the private sector.

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